Win Accounting
General Ledger User Guide

2.1. Enter & Post Journal Transactions

In the General Ledger Enter and Post Journal Transaction section, you have to option of entering a Journal Entry or a Prior Year Adjustment
Data can ONLY be entered and captured on Level 1 Accounts - find more information about Account Levels & Columns
Before you begin Entering and Posting any journal transactions, start by creating your first batch
Creating a New Batch before you begin processing transactions, or selecting an existing Batch is necessary for providing valuable information to and from all your integrated Win Accounting modules, enabling your Accounting Reports to present meaningful data and analysis
Once your Batch has been created / selected, choose your Transaction Type and Entry Type (single or multiple), and proceed with Inserting your transaction details
For administrative purposes, it's recommended not to enter Prior Year Adjustment transactions into the same Batch as your Journal Entry transactions
Prior Year Adjustment transactions enable you to insert records into dates that are outside of the current Periods Table scope
Journal Entries cannot be set to a date outside of the periods table, the date has to be within the current accounting period

Entering and Posting Journal Transactions:

Creating a New Batch / Selecting Existing Batch
On the Enter and Post Journal Transactions screen, select your desired batch by either entering the Batch Number, or by using the handy magnifying glass browse button
If you have no batches in the Browse Batches window, click "Insert" to create a new batch
When Creating a New Batch, the Batch Number and Batch ID will auto-populate, based on the previous batches created
Easily add a Batch Date and choose your desired Cashbook Account (either by entering the code, or by using the browse button)
Your Cashbook Account, when entering and posting journal transactions, will typically be a Bank Account
Click OK to save your Batch, and click Select to choose your desired batch for transaction entering and posting
Journal Entry (Single)
Single Journal Entries require you to enter both the Debited and Credited accounts in one-shot
When posted, the system will automatically post the double entry, debiting and crediting the selected accounts
When entering a Single Journal Transaction, you'll be required to enter a Transaction Date, the Accounts to Debit and Credit, as well as the desired amount
You'll also be able to enter a Transaction Reference and a Transaction Description
Using the Browse Data Accounts lookup button makes it easy for you to select your desired accounts to debit and credit
Take note: Data can only be entered and captured into Level 1 Accounts
Click OK to save your journal transaction and add it to the selected batch - now you can add additional transactions to the selected batch before viewing the Unposted Report and/or Posting
Journal Entry (Multiple)
Selecting the Multiple Journal Entry option implies that you are going to manually enter 2 separate journal entries into your selected batch - one with the account that will be debited, and the other with the account that will be credited - allowing the journal entries to balance
Note: if the journal entries added to a batch do not balance, the General Ledger will pop up an error indicating that there is a problem - this will help prevent errors in accounting, ensuring that your General Ledger Account Integrity remains strong and accurate
Much like with the single journal entry, when entering a Multiple Journal Transaction, you'll be required to enter a Transaction Date, as well as the relevant amount
Now select the desired account, and choose whether this account is to be debited or credited - keep in mind that with the “multiple entry type” selected, you'll have to manually add a second entry (or multiple), selecting the relevant double-entry accounts
The debited and credited values for the batch need to balance before the batch can be posted
Use the Browse Data Accounts lookup to easily view and select your desired Account
Take note: Data can only be entered and captured into Level 1 Accounts
As with the single journal transaction, you can enter a Reference as well as an Entry Narration
Click OK to save your journal transaction and add it to the selected batch - now you can add your second double-entry transaction(s) to the selected batch before viewing the Unposted Report and/or Posting
Prior Year Adjustment (Single)
Prior Year Adjustment transactions enable you to insert records into dates outside of the current Periods Table scope
Single Prior Year Adjustment entries require you to select both the Debited and Credited accounts in one-shot
When posted, the system will automatically post the double entry adjustment, debiting and crediting the selected accounts
When entering a Single Prior Year Adjustment, you'll be required to enter a Transaction Date, the Accounts you wish to Debit and Credit, as well as the desired amount
Easily enter a Transaction Reference and a Transaction Description / Narration
Using the Browse Data Accounts lookup button makes it easy for you to select your desired accounts to debit and credit
Take note: Data can only be entered and captured into Level 1 Accounts
Click OK to save your prior year adjustment transaction and add it to the selected batch - now you can add additional adjustments, view the Unposted Report or Post the batch
Prior Year Adjustment (Multiple)
Prior Year Adjustment transactions enable you to insert records into dates outside of the current Periods Table scope
Selecting the Multiple Prior Year Adjustment option implies that you are going to manually enter 2 separate entries into your selected batch - one with the account that will be debited, and the other with the account that will be credited - allowing the prior year adjustment entries to balance
Note: if the prior year adjustment entries added to a batch do not balance, the General Ledger will pop up an error indicating that there is a problem - this will help prevent errors in accounting, ensuring that your General Ledger Account Integrity remains strong and accurate
Much like with the single prior year adjustment entry, when entering a Multiple Prior Year Adjustment Transaction, you'll be required to enter a Transaction Date, as well as the relevant amount
Now select the desired account, and choose whether this account is to be debited or credited - keep in mind that with the “multiple entry type” selected, you'll have to manually add a second entry (or multiple), selecting the relevant double-entry accounts
The debited and credited values for the batch need to balance before the batch can be posted
Use the Browse Data Accounts lookup to easily view and select your desired Account
Take note: Data can only be entered and captured into Level 1 Accounts
As with the single prior year adjustments, you can enter a Reference as well as an Entry Narration
Click OK to save your prior year adjustment transaction and add it to the selected batch - now you can add your second double-entry transaction(s) to the selected batch before viewing the Unposted Report and/or Posting
Viewing Unposted Report
Before posting your batch, easily view the Unposted Report - The Report should balance
This Report provides a concise rundown of the amounts and totals that will be Debited and Credited, as well as the relevant Accounts (and Account Numbers) once the batch is posted
In the example above, we see an example of a Multiple Journal Entry and a Single Journal Entry - both entries Debit the Accounting & Secretarial account and Credit the Bank Account
The Multiple Entry (narration: "Account Fees") is made up of 2 manual entries of R456.75 each - "Accounting & Secretarial" has been debited and Bank Account has been credited for the same amounts
The Single Entry (narration: "Acc Fees (S)") is made up of one entry, with R123.45 being debited to the "Accounting & Secretarial" account and credited to the "Bank" account
As per the General Ledger Double Entry standard, the DR and CR Batch Totals are balanced
Once you're happy with the Unposted Report, you can proceed to Post the batch - this will commit the Entered Transactions into the General Ledger module
Posting Your Batch/Transactions
Click the Post Button to post your entered transactions into the Win Accounting General Ledger Module
Posted transactions can be viewed in your Accounts Query section, as well as in various General Ledger Accounting Reports