Win Accounting
General Ledger User Guide

1.2.1. Account Levels & Columns

As mentioned, when inserting a new Account into the Chart of Accounts section, you'll have the option to assign a Level and Column Number
This is important, as it tells the General Ledger Module how and where each account should appear in the Balance Sheet
Your Account Numbers will also affect the order in which your accounts appear on your Financial Reports
With this in mind, it's important to use account number ranges that cater for the potential of adding additional/new accounts to your Chart of Accounts at a later stage
To speed up the setup and management of your General Ledger, Win Accounting makes it easy for you to Import General Ledger Account Codes from the Default Sample Company - This will add all default General Ledger accounts to your system, providing a quick template to use and/or modify
Should you need to add any additional or industry-specific accounts to your Chart of Accounts, keep the following in mind when setting general ledger account numbers, account level and account column:
The following Financial Statements will make use of Win Accounting's Default Accounts and Account Codes

Setting Account Level and Account Column:

Balance Sheet - Annual (Sample):
Chart of Accounts (Sample):
As seen above, accounts appear on the Balance Sheet based on their Account Code
Each account requires you to assign a level, as well as set which column the account details will appear in the Balance Sheet

Account Levels:

Level 9: Heading Only (with double-dotted line beneath)
Level 8: Heading Only (with single-dotted line beneath)
Level 7: Account Total (with double-dotted total line around account total)
Level 6 - 2: Account Totals (no underlining) - Typically levelled according to which column they appear in the Balance Sheet (see column formatting details below)
Level 1: Detail/Data Accounts - These do not appear on the Balance Sheet (only appear on the Notes to Balance Sheet document) and are used to calculate the Account Totals that appear on the Balance Sheet (indicated by the "Note Number")
Let's view the Notes to Balance Sheet document in practice, using "Note 3: Motor Cycles" and "Note 4: Debtors & Amt Receivable" in the Balance Sheet:
Notes to Balance Sheet (Sample):
From this, we can see the Motor Cycles Account on the Balance Sheet is made up of Motor Cycles (Cost) and Acc Dep. Motor Cycles
Debtors & Amt Receivable Account on the Balance Sheet consists of Debtors, Subscribers, Sundry Debtors, Contra, etc.

Account Column Number / Position:

The Column Number simply refers to the column that you want the desired account to be in-line with within the Balance Sheet
This means that the column number is only relevant for the Balance Sheet, and is only relevant for Total Accounts (level 2 - 7)
Note: Accounts levelled 1, 8 or 9 can be set to be in Column 1
Using the Balance Sheet (Sample) example above, we see that Fixture & Fittings, Motor Vehicles and Motor Cycles details are all in Column 1 (the first column)
Those accounts add up to provide the Total Fixed Assets amount (set to display in Column 3)
Further down the Balance Sheet, we see Total Current Assets amount is set to display in Column 2 (the same column as Total Current Liabilities is set to, lower in the Balance Sheet document)

Summary / Balance Sheet Breakdown: